My Facebook profile, now with extra hotness

If you haven’t visited me on Facebook recently, you may not have seen my new super-awesome profile. It looks like this: And while you’re visiting me, I hope you’ll check out my new Facebook page, which I set up to share my writing and work. (I use my...

An open design process for

This post appears today on the site of the Social + Interactive Media Centre at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. Shh…don’t tell anyone, but we’re redesigning our website. That’s the standard attitude towards website redesign, at least...

Get visual inspiration from Pinterest

I’m trying out Pinterest, which I’d describe as a social bookmarking system for images. You create “Pinboards” of images you like, and “pin” items onto the board when you spot something you like online. The site’s default...

Blogging hubris

Yesterday I made the mistake of bragging about how well I’ve been doing with my daily blogging practice. And tonight I thought I’d knock off a quick blog post that would keep me in my groove. Instead I found myself learning the ins and outs of,...

How to cope with your life as a social media celebrity

I think that, in a way, we’re all sort of acting like celebrities have to act, where you have personal persona and a public persona. You think about what you want to share with your fans. I know that’s how a lot of people feel about using Twitter, where,...

Calling all geeks: Are you ready for the GeekOff challenge?

Working as a person of the female persuasion in the world of tech, I mostly do pretty well being surrounded by a lot of guys a lot of the time. My Women’s Studies degree may not have fully prepared me for my day-to-day life, but I’ve found that I enjoy the...

What’s really hurting your relationships?

Today’s paper has an article about how hard it is to preserve tight family relationships in a world where we have so many other relationships. It offered 10 signs your friendships might be hurting your family relationships: You can’t get through a meal...