Using your e-mail signature to fight inbox overload

It’s day 5 of my vendetta on mandatory e-mail replies and I’m feeling the pain. On the one hand, I’m as committed as ever to changing the attitude that every e-mail needs a response — an attitude that is totally out-of-step with every other...

Mindful of social media

Lori Deschene of TinyBuddha has a fantastic post on 10 Mindful Ways to Use Social Media at Tricycle. It’s hard to pick just one to share but if I have to… If you propose to tweet, always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Sometimes we...

Two tweaks for your e-mail vendetta auto-responder

Yesterday I set up a vacation responder as part of my e-mail vendetta. If you’re thinking of doing the same, you might note a couple of tweaks: I forward multiple e-mail addresses to a single Gmail account. But Gmail’s vacation responder doesn’t do a...

Don’t try this at home: Implementing the e-mail vendetta

Today I declared war on e-mail. Well, not all e-mail: just the tyrannical assumption that we should all reply to every single message we reply. In a blog post for the Harvard Business Review, I called for a vendetta on the mandatory universal reply. That means...

Tied to technology

My latest toy is an iPod nano watch. It’s just a plain old iPod nano, but it slides onto a watch strap specially designed to watch-ify it. I loved it for being red and iSomething and tiny but even so I wasn’t particularly sure that it was a wise (read:...

Could you imagine life without Facebook?

Progressive Media Concepts recently posted an interesting question: What Would You Do If Facebook Shut Down Tomorrow? One I recovered from my blackout (it’s my body’s automatic self-defense mechanism when faced with the unthinkable) I read on, curious to...

Internet tunes: Craiglist Hookup – Missed Connections

Kate Allen has a great article in yesterday’s Toronto Star about the phenomenon that is Craigslist’s Missed Connections. It features the true story of a couple who met through MC two years ago…so yes, you can find love that way. Kate interviewed me...

Social media for the 28th day: 9 tech tips for easier periods

Today’s post is a special for my female readers. Gentlemen, please avert your browsers as I’m about to discuss icky girl things that would constitute a betray of my gender if you all keep reading. Ladies, now that it’s just us, let’s talk about...

There are motherf&!#ing blogs on the motherf&!#ing plane!

About an hour ago I tweeted the following: Desperately trying to think of a tweet that makes it clear I’m tweeting from the plane, w/out making it sound like that’s the point. The responses to this tweet were so fantastic that I just have to round them up:...