Today in HBR: The productivity app that will change your life

If you have seen me anytime in the past year, you’ve probably heard me obsess over my new love, Coda. Coda is my new tech and productivity Swiss Army knife: I’ve used it to replace countless docs and spreadsheets, and I’ve also used it to build...

How to balance evening work with family life: the 2×2

Blame it on after-hours email, but it seems like the extended workday is here to stay. If your household is anything like ours, you often have work to do in the evening…and if you’re a parent, that means that work often intrudes on family time. To help...

Homeschooling as a working mom: the pie chart

It’s week two of the school year — or it would be, if we weren’t in the middle of an increasingly frustrating (though well-justified) teachers’ strike. We’re experiencing the school outage a little differently at our house, because this...

The 23 stages of the task management software lifecycle

Totally on top of all pending tasks Moderate slippage of select tasks leads to mild anxiety Catastrophic failure to complete one or more mission-critical tasks leads to wholesale re-evaluation of career choice, self-worth and why are we even on this earth anyhow?...