Why I’m happy to pay for the New York Times

My latest blog post for the Harvard Business Review is a celebration of the New York Times’ new paywall. OK, maybe not a celebration of the paywall itself, but a celebration of the decision to alpha test the paywall on Canadian readers. This news gave me the...

10 things to do while waiting for your domain name to propagate

Most of the time the Internet does a very good job of creating the illusion that everything can now be instantaneous. You’re on the phone with a colleague on the other side of the world, editing a Google Doc together, and the second you see that typo appear she...

Status report on the perpetual home media overhaul

Gillian Shaw’s delightful weekend story in the Vancouver Sun covered online alternatives to cable, and outed me once again as the World’s Most Committed Cross-Platform TV Consumer: And then there are the techno geeks like Vancouver’s Alexandra Samuel...

Social media for the 28th day: 9 tech tips for easier periods

Today’s post is a special for my female readers. Gentlemen, please avert your browsers as I’m about to discuss icky girl things that would constitute a betray of my gender if you all keep reading. Ladies, now that it’s just us, let’s talk about...

There are motherf&!#ing blogs on the motherf&!#ing plane!

About an hour ago I tweeted the following: Desperately trying to think of a tweet that makes it clear I’m tweeting from the plane, w/out making it sound like that’s the point. The responses to this tweet were so fantastic that I just have to round them up:...

How Apple could offer “digital valet” service

I spend a lot of time tweaking my systems. And by a lot, I mean….a lot. Between my Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPad and our two home media servers, I figure that I’m upgrading something every week. Then there’s my online system: the widgets I install on my...

Get visual inspiration from Pinterest

I’m trying out Pinterest, which I’d describe as a social bookmarking system for images. You create “Pinboards” of images you like, and “pin” items onto the board when you spot something you like online. The site’s default...