Woohoo! Tivo! Over here!

I wanted to send people a direct link to Tivo in my post about our home media server, but Tivo’s refer-a-friend tools don’t include a web badge! If I had a little snippet of code that let me put a trackable link to Tivo into a blog post, I’d be...

Tales of a Mac media server

Earlier this year we purchased a 32″, HD-ready Philips LCD TV. So when our DVD player died a few months ago, we found ourselves staring at the PC input on the back of the TV and wondering whether our next DVD player should in fact be a computer. About eight...

Does Big Brother use a Treo?

I just had an inquiry from a new Treo owner who is looking his gift horse in the mouth: My employer recently gave each of the salespeople a new Treo 650.  None of us requested it, in fact, a year ago we told management we didn’t want them.  Now we have them...