Digital era records management

I recently heard from Sarah Demb, a fellow Canadian now working with the International Records Management Trust in London. The IRMT fills an interesting niche in the governance world:

The Trust was set up in 1989 to help develop new strategies for managing public sector records. Records are so fundamental to democracy that governments and international […]

Pew Internet & American Life Project

Michael Cornfield of the Pew Internet & American Life Project notes an important newconsultation on Internet campaigning:
The Federal Election Commission opens public comment for sixty days on Monday, April 4 regarding its plan to renovate the online space for national politics.

The FEC’s proposals include provisions addressing online advertising and blogging, both major forces in the […]

Italy gets 57 new e-democracy projects

Information Policy reports that the Italian government is boosting its support for e-democracy:

The government will contribute a total of EUR 9.5 million to selected e-democracy initiatives at regional and local levels.

Tag my desktop — please

And the tagging obsession continues. Thanks to Travis Smith for pointing me towards Larry Borsato’s comments on why we don’t tag our desktop. His post is a response to Kevin Briody’s call to tag your desktop. Kevin asks:

Why can’t we tag documents? And file shares? And intranet sites? Then tag communications: emails, Messenger contacts, […]

Tag my desktop — please

And the tagging obsession continues. Thanks to Travis Smith for pointing me towards Larry Borsato’s comments on why we don’t tag our desktop. His post is a response to Kevin Briody’s call to tag your desktop. Kevin asks: Why can’t we tag documents?...

The Blog Therapist is in

How can I integrate my new blog with this one? Can I run a WordPress blog on a Drupal site? What should I do when my husband’s blog outranks mine on Technorati? These are the dilemmas that require the help of the…. On the strength of his winning answers to...