Online tools for ODDC: URLs

I’m in Minneapolis for the Deepening Online Deliberation workshop hosted by the Online Deliberative Democracy Consortium. We had a terrific conversation today about some of the tools available for online deliberation and for collaboration among deliberation...

Italy gets 57 new e-democracy projects

Information Policy reports that the Italian government is boosting its support for e-democracy:

The government will contribute a total of EUR 9.5 million to selected e-democracy initiatives at regional and local levels.

E-democracy and egovernment tags – DoWire.Org

Steve Clift has set up a wiki page for e-democracy and e-government tags, following up on my call for a common tag taxonomy.

If you work in the e-democracy or e-government field, please visit this page to add any tags or keywords that you use for tracking bookmarks or blog posts in this area.

Tagging e-democracy

This week’s challenge: coming up with a common set of e-democracy tags for all of the e-democracy bloggers and bookmark collectors out there.

For those new to the tagging concept, here’s a brief intro: In the process of setting up Diablogue, I’ve been exploring the world of social bookmarking and tagging. Social bookmarking systems (like, […]

Pew Report on 2004 Campaign

Shared bookmarks for user Alexandra Samuel on 2005-03-08 Pew Report on the Internet and Campaign 2004: The Pew Internet & American Life project released its report on the 2004 election campaign this week. Michael Cornfield’s pithy summary reports...

Visualizing change

Friends Ben Banky and Linda Rae pointed me to a web site with amazing panoramas of Vancouver’s changing urban landscape, 1978 to 2003. It’s a terrific example of how somewhat abstract issues like urban planning can be given an immediate and apprehensible...

A quick view of e-consultation

I just came across a very succinct take on the advantages of online consultation. It’s from a 2003 paper Beyond Civil Society: Public Engagement Alternatives for Canadian Trade Policy (PDF) by Josh Lerner. Here’s how he summarizes the case for...

Is podcasting the death of discourse?

Tod Maffin sees podcasting as a way of letting people create “vertical” audio feeds; instead of listening to general interest radio shows like As It Happens, listeners can create their own personal streams of audio, based on their own particular interests. This is just the kind of scenario that makes Cass Sunstein worry about the future of democratic discourse.

Conference on Online Deliberation: Stanford, May 2005

The 2nd Conference on Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice will be held May 20-2005 at Stanford University. (Full disclosure: I’m on the organizing committee). The call for proposals asks for abstracts by March 15. A peek at some of the details:...

The technologies of citizenship

I had lunch today with Sanjay Khanna, a fellow Vancouverite who shares my interest in the social and political impact of information technology. We had a mind-blowing conversation that stimulated a whole bunch of new ideas about the relationship between technology and...