It’s often hard for nonprofits to figure out how they can engage people effectively online. It’s hard enough to get visitors to your site or social media presence, let alone drive them effectively towards action. This post gives you two tools that can help: a user profile worksheet, and an engagement planning worksheet.
“Which nonprofits are using Web 2.0 technology in an innovative way to listen and talk with their clients and constituents and further their missions?” I answer this question with 6 best practices we’ve observed among our clients and colleagues.
I’ve just started a facebook group for Oberlin Alumni in Social Technology” — either nonprofit technology specifically, or social media more generally. I have this theory that the nptech scene must include a fair number of Obies, and I’d love to connect with them. So I’m starting the hunt, and hoping I might even surface some fellow alums who will be at the upcoming NTEN conference in DC. If you’re an Obie and you’re reading this, please join the Facebook group or post a comment here.
When we recommended Drupal as the platform for back in 2005, we anticipated the emergence of what is now one of the most widely-used tools for nonprofit technologists. The process we used to evaluate platforms, and the questions we asked, are the same questions you should be asking about your software choices today.
The beta Technorati makeover is now online and hurrah! it includes RSS feeds for tag pages. These feeds will make it much easier for people to aggregate blog-related content from across the web by subscribing to a particular tag feed — either within a newsreader like Bloglines or for republishing on a web site […]
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