Today in Elemental: How keto saved my sanity during Covid

I try not to be an evangelist about keto. Really, I do. But my two-year “keto-versary” has hit right as many people are coping not only with all the bread-induced weight gain of Covid, but with the mental health impact of isolation and anxiety. Much to my...

9 ways the Internet can cheer your mood when you’re feeling sad

A rough day: we all have them. Yet no day is so rough that it should shake your faith in the Internet as, if not a universal cure, than a widely applicable balm. Here are 5 ways the Internet can cheer you up when you’re blue: Create something. Upload a picture....

A balanced look at the mental impact of social media

“The Internet is distracting and isolating and diminishes our capacity for focused work.” “The Internet is transformative and connecting and is making us steadily smarter.” The conversation about the Internet’s mental and social impact...

Good news for Internet users who need a boost

Happy News is a site that accentuates the positive: it promises to deliver only good news stories. You wouldn’t want to make it your only source of information, but when the endless stories of crime and conflict get you down, here’s a nice way to balance...

Can a mobile phone make you sane instead of crazy?

Aaron Bellve of Spit, Bristle and Fury (killer blog title, BTW!) has a thoughtful post about an NPR story on the dawn of therapy by mobile phone. Cell phones, rather than augmenting our human encounters, are replacing them and in something as complex, sensitive and...