Africa is blogging, too. South Africa is leading the way, with more than 3 million unique users visiting South African blogs every month. High profile South African blogs include Commentary – which focuses on topics like race relations and economics – and Human vs. Nature, an earnest environmental issues weblog. The country […]
An extensive set of resources covering both the technologies and techniques of online faciliation and moderation. Many of these resources are quite dated, however.
The blogiverse is having fun with Just Letters, a little flash game that is a great living experiment in online collaboration. All you need is your browser, so go check it out!
Just Letters is an interesting window on how people can work together when the demands of collaboration are low enough, even if the apparent […]
Thanks to Kristan Boudreau of BC Hydro for pointing me to a paper by Carol Adams and Geoffrey Frost on “Stakeholder Engagement Strategies: Possibilities for the Internet.”(PDF) The authors undertook a comparative study of how companies in Australia, Germany and the UK use web sites as a tool for communicating with stakeholders, based on more […]
The next mega-gathering of West Coast bloggers, coming up June 23-25 in Seattle. Looks to be a great way to connect with the latest thinking on blogging, tagging, social software and all those other Web 2.0 buzzwords.
The first BlogherCon — a blogging conference for women — is planned for July 30, 2005 in Santa Clara California. The schedule of events will be announced May 1.
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