Event tagging

Carolyn Minor, a librarian at the University of Winnipeg, has put out a call for help on event tagging. She’s noted the difficulties in setting up effective tagging for event blogs, which is something I struggled with myself in setting up the event blog for the 2005 Online Deliberation conference.

The main problem I ran […]

Tag blogging @ tagsonomy.com

As of today I’m moving some of my tag-related musings to You’re It, a blog on tagging that includes such venerable folksonomists as Jon Lebkowsky, Clay Shirky and Dave Weinberger. Rob hopes that this new outlet means that I’ll finally stop talking...

What a difference 2 years makes

Today I spent some time looking around for server-side RSS aggregators that would give me more configuration options than I can get in Bloglines. In the course of my travels I came across this interesting snippet, dated March 4 2003: I looked at a couple of RSS...

10 tools that tap the power of blogs

Blogging has been a hot topic here at OD2005. While there’s a lot of interest in blogging as a tool of public conversation, there’s also a lot of skepticism about the quality of information and discourse on blogs.
In my own presentations I have talked both about how to use blogging as an engagement tool and […]

Make blogging part of your workflow

For all my tagging evangelism, I’ve been enigmatic and elusive about how I myself use tagging to be a better blogger, a better worker, and a better human being. But the whole reason I’ve become such a tagging fanatic is because it’s allowed me to...

The Annotated New York Times

Michael Weiksner of E-ThePeople showed us a site called The Annotated New York Times, which shows what people are saying about the NYT on the blogosphere. It’s a lot like what Salon is doing with Technorati.

My presentations at the Online Deliberation 2005 Conference

I’m presenting on two different panels at OD2005. My main paper (in room 380x at 2:40 on Saturday) is on “Found” Enagement: Lessons from Hacktiivsm and Blogging. I’ll be talking about the increasingly fuzzy boundary between formal consultation and spontaneous activism, and how online deliberation can learn to incorporate spontaneous participation the way offline […]

del.icio.us feeds my vanity

We spend a lot of time using the Internet as a mirror. A lot of the time we use it as a big mirror that helps us see the people who think like us or talk like us or dress like us. Many web tools succeed by helping us focus that big mirror down towards a reflection...

Customize your WordPress Dashboard

Tonight, Rob and I crossed a marital and technological threshold with our collaborative creation of an enhanced version of one of the files in Matt Good and dr Dave’s excellent X-Dashboard plugin for WordPress. X-Dashboard allows users to customize the WordPress...

Now that you are logged in, here are a few things you can do:

Write a blog entry. Click on “Write” to post a story to the blog. Enter your text in the “title” and “post” fields. Choose the appropriate category (or categories) from the right-hand site of the screen. Click “publish” to post it to the blog immediately, OR “save as...