One day in October I was driving home and listening to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga sing Telephone. I love them both but Telephone has a special place in my heart, especially
I am sick and tired of my phone ringing
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station
Tonight I’m not taking no calls ’cause I’ll be dancing
It’s not just the beats that endear this song to me. It’s the fact that someone is finally singing about this thing we’re all struggling with: the role of technology in our lives.
That revelation sent me to the iTunes store, where I discovered that Lady Gaga and Beyoncé are far from the only people singing about our wired lives. Starting today, I’ll be sharing them on my blog, along with my thoughts about what makes them interesting.
And I’m starting with one of my favorites: Craig’s List [sic] by Monkey Child. Check it out:
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So to all the craigslisted, eharmonied, plentyoffished lovers out there, it’s time to come out of the closet. You have put the Internet to one of its greatest possible uses: finding love.

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