2×2: Filtering your Facebook friends

How do you decide to view or relate to different friends on Facebook? As with all things in life, this can be described by a 2×2 matrix: Love this person Not so much Entertaining Facebooker Add to my “A1 pals” list, which is the news feed I look at...

What to tell your kids about dating before the Internet

Hey, old people!  By which I mean: hey, people my age! If you’ve been wondering what dating wisdom you can usefully impart to your teenage or soon-to-be teenage kids, you should read Stephanie Martin’s thoughtful post on Dating in the Social Media Age....

Don’t blame the Internet for infidelity

The Petraeus drama reflects the enticements and betrayals of our new, disembodied modes of discourse. The come-ons, the flirtations, the stalking, the alleged harassment: all were abetted by the deceptive cloak of cyberspace, and all were immortalized there. It’s a...

6 ways to speed up your social media response times

Speed is essential to developing the right social media campaign, response or update. In my last post, I looked at how the right kind of market research program can support faster and more responsive social media management, inspired by The Quick and the Dead, a new...

Why the speed of research matters in social media

How quickly do you have to reply to a critical tweet? How long does it take for the right video to go viral? How often do you have to update your company’s Facebook page? Speed is at the heart of many of the questions that come up over and over again in social...

Should copyediting be part of your social media strategy?

I’ll admit it: I’m a grammar nazi. When I see a poorly punctuated tweet, I cringe, and when I see a blog post with a comma splice in the title, I want to tear my hair out. I’ve fantasized about a supper club for copy editors — the folks like me...