Today marks the release of Sex and the City: The Movie. With the news that SATCTM tix are selling out, your friends at Social Signal (part of the original Change Everything team) want to save you from the nightmare of a Sex-less weekend. We’ve got twenty tickets to the 8 pm show on Saturday, May 31st, at the Fifth Avenue Cinema on Burrard Street.
The first twenty girlfriends to e-mail me (alex [at] socialsignal [dot] com) will be our guests on Saturday night. We’re also working on a plan for pre- or post-film cosmos (let us know what works better for you when you RSVP).
If you’d like to pass on the love, Social Signal will match any ticket-sized donations you make to WISH, the Women’s Information Safe Haven.WISH provides female survival sex workers with shelter, essential needs supports, and alternatives to their high-risk lifestyles. You can donate online or in person on Saturday night.
We hope to see you on Saturday!
Today marks the release of Sex and the City: The Movie. With the news that SATCTM tix are selling out, your friends at Social Signal want to save you from the nightmare of a Sex-less weekend. We've got twenty tickets to the 8 pm show on Saturday, May 31st, at the Fifth Avenue Cinema on Burrard Street.
The first twenty Social Signal girlfriends to e-mail me (alex [at] socialsignal [dot] com) will be our guests on Saturday night. We're also working on a plan for pre- or post-film cosmos (let us know what works better for you when you RSVP).
If you'd like to pass on the love, Social Signal will match any ticket-sized donations you make to WISH, the Women's Information Safe Haven. WISH provides female survival sex workers with shelter, essential needs supports, and alternatives to their high-risk lifestyles. You can donate online or in person on Saturday night.
We hope to see you on Saturday!
The Elders' Every Human Has Rights campaign has just relaunched its site (on Drupal!) We've been privileged to work with the EHHR team in telling the story of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights online. For a great snapshot of why the UDHR matters, check out the great PSA featuring Mary Robinson on media freedom.
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