8 hot ways Evernote can spice up your sex life

“For doing your taxes”. “For shopping and to-do lists”. “For home improvement projects”. These are three of the very practical suggestions the Evernote blog has to offer as part of their 8 great ways couples can use Evernote shared...

6 qualities to look for in an online date or offline mate

[Online dating] sites tend to emphasize similarity on psychological variables like personality (e.g., matching extroverts with extroverts and introverts with introverts) and attitudes (e.g., matching people who prefer Judd Apatow’s movies to Woody Allen’s with people...

Lessons for online dating from offline marriage

Readers of this blog know that I am fascinated with online dating, probably the way that women who got married in the 50s were fascinated by the birth control pill. Like the pill, online dating has enabled a revolution in romantic and sexual behaviour, one that those...

How to find support online during life’s big passages (for Oprah.com)

Friends are there to share your celebrations, support you through difficult transitions, and mourn your losses. Social media enable that sharing and support in new ways, across distances that would formerly exclude people who are far away but dear to your heart. Find out how to get the support you need online.

Is social media just for married people?

Think Social is a blog from the Paley Center for Media that focuses on the public benefits of social media. It’s an incredible blog and one that you must follow if you are looking for thoughtful reflection on both the social and political potential of social...