Behind the mask

I’m a speaker and writer on the digital workplace, and the co-author of Remote, Inc.: How to Thrive At Work…Wherever You Are.

That means I speak with many different people and organizations about the transition to hybrid work. When teams talk frankly about their goals and challenges around the return to the workplace, they strengthen their ability to collaborate and thrive on this new combination of office and remote work.

So let me share mine: I’m excited about returning to the in-person conversations that have always been the biggest source of inspiration for my articles and books. My biggest challenge is keeping this mask on: I miss my bright red lipstick, but I’ve had to stay extra cautious because I am the parent of an autistic teen who faces significantly higher Covid risks.

This page shares some of the articles and talks that address some common challenges around remote and hybrid work. II’d love to hear what’s on your mind as we create this new world of work together.