5 solutions that clean up your address book

Don’t limit your spring cleaning to tidying your linen cupboard and sweeping the dust bunnies out from under your bed. You computer needs cleaning too! Why clean, you ask? With hard drive space getting cheaper every day, the time it takes you to clean will be...

Spice up your dates with technology

The new Italian restaurant in our neighborhood was the perfect place to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. We settled into a cozy table for two and turned our attention to the menu. It wouldn’t be easy to decide on our courses: The menu included almost...

How to use your iPad for family multitasking

Yesterday’s blog post about the merits of buying an iPad provoked some questions about overconsumption, as well as a shout-out from a fellow sofa commuter. In the tug-of-war between buying a device that is sofa optimized, versus buying one less thing because we...

Should you buy an iPad?

Last weekend we made the great pilgrimage across the border so that we could get iPads on the day of their release. The iPad won’t be available in Canada until the end of the month, and it seemed unfathomable to wait 20 days for a product that actually describes...

Even in a virtual world, where you live still matters

One of the fantasies that comes from living online is that it doesn’t matter where you are based if you’re hooked into the net. But in the process of disentangling my online address book — arguably essential to living life online — I came...

On Oprah.com: 6 ways to be a better parent online

If it takes a village to raise a child, that village no longer needs to be defined by the place you happen to live. This post for Oprah.com shows how to find online support to help you be a better parent online and offline.