New look & feel, kind of almost there
The new and much improved look of my blog is based on the blog style template at Open Designs, created by fellow-Canadian Collin Grasley. Rob hacked it into WordPress-iness for me, a process that’s still being debugged. Open Designs is a very cool site that...Please standby while this leopard changes its spots
We’re retheming tonight. Could get funky, people!Good parenting 2.0
Why you should make sure your kids have a unique username.
Wrap your brand in reflected glory
Someone needs to tell the folks at Glad: Unless your customers pay for the privilege of wearing your logo, don't build an online community around your brand.
How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0: Intellectual property
How can nonprofits pay for their online community endeavors? One answer lies in intellectual property. The creation of a sophisticated web site involves the creation of a lot of intellectual property — property that has financial value. This blog post looks at some of the ways that property can be monetized.
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