Love your leaks

How do you create a site that keeps people on your pages? By creating a site that's easy to leave.

A beacon to find your life path

OK, I'm cheating a little here — I already love my work a lot of the time. But recently I connected with someone who is helping our company bring its work into even closer alignment with our values and our goals.

Alanna Fero is a career consultant and personal coach who helps people figure out how they can bring their work into alignment with their values. She knows how to bring a values-aligned career or business to life — to get from aspiration to vision to the nuts-and-bolts of how to get yourself from here to there.

And now she's launching a book that will make her approach accessible to a wider audience. Love Made Visible will be released on August 15. Launch details below:


5:30 – 7:30pm August 15th
The Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
3811 Point Grey Road Vancouver BC (at Highbury, just west of Alma)
Book Signing, Light Refreshments & Great Networking
Please RSVP by August 12 to

Searching sustainably at happyfrog

There’s a great big gorgeous frog in the centrefold of the latest issue of SharedVISION now hitting Vancouver’s streets, along with the URL… so I guess the frog is out of the bag, and it’s safe to tell you about our latest project....